Saturday 4 July 2009

Silence, Exile, and Cunning

Silence, Exile, and Cunning is an art exhibition running in Oxford Town Hall from Friday 24th July to Friday 7th August 2009.
Private view: 6pm - 9pm Friday 24th July 2009


Amber Ablett
Ciro Barbieri
Marifer Barrero
Luke Carey
Ting Ting Cheng
Cristina Cojanu
Giorgio Garippa
Joep Overtoom
Oliver Palmer

These artists both show and shun their social realities, re-naming its images and objects: these subjects’ objects object to their objectification. They pull apart the visual languages of old and lyricise with new syntaxes. Ordinarily, working at or beyond boundaries only expands those boundaries. The romantic struggle to create apart from and beyond a system without engendering a new and possibly equally restrictive system is likely doomed from the outset… but we always carry on. Why?

Nevertheless, at this Joycean impasse of tradition and authority, these artists have taken on the challenge of re-creating themselves and their surroundings by arming themselves with nothing but "Silence, Exile, and Cunning."

Amber Ablett - A performance based on Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot, 2009

Ciro Barbieri - The Colour of Money, 2009

Marifer Barrero

Luke Carey

Ting Ting Cheng

Cristina Cojanu

Giorgio Garippa

Joep Overtoom - Concealed, 2008

Oliver Palmer - untitled, 2009 (coming soon)

Silence, Exile, and Cunning - Oxford Town Hall, St Aldate's, Oxford, OX1 1BX - 24/07/2009~07/08/2009

Private view: 6pm -9pm Friday 24th July 2009